Ikebana lesssons in English

森の林檎 is Ikebana lesson studio in Japan. You can learn sogetsu Ikebana in English. 


Sunday 10:00-17:00

Tuesday 10:00-17:00

Wednesday 10:00-13:00


One-lesson(regular lessons)

Fee for one-lesson : 6000 yen (including material fee for off line lesson)

twice or three times a month.


Time required for each lesson

120-180 minutes for making an arrangement, watching an instructor’s ikebana demonstration, and getting advice from the instructor.


Sogetsu Ikebana is not restricted by “fixed styles” and allows us to make our original expression freely. 


Click here to make a reservation for a lesson


Studio Location

Zempukuji 1-12-6, Suginami-ku, Tokyo, 167-0041, Japan

Seio Koyama